Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Beacon of Light in the the Distance

I watched the inauguration of the 44th President of the United States today -- and I wept! My tears were not motivated by sadness, disappointment, despair or fear. These teardrops were filled with relief, joy, hope, and renewed faith that my country had taken the first positive step towards a miraculous revival. The words of Barack Obama bore into my being and filled my heart and soul with inspiration. For the first time in years, I felt unburdened by doubt and depression. A newfound belief that change was truly possible welled up in me and I felt confident that I could (and should) play an integral part in making that change occur. I felt imbued with a new sense of responsibility that actually compelled me to want to take action, to join my fellow Americans in the hard work of transforming this country back to what it was meant to be -- a united community of shared values and beliefs that promotes the protection of the rights of all its citizens.

Late at night, when it's quiet... I realize that we are still in the darkness, but there is a beacon of light in the distance and it beckons us towards the dawn of a new day. Let us all go into the light with hope and resolve in our hearts.

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